Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sri Mulyani dan Krisis Air Jakarta

Iseng2 saya nemu isu menarik soal bank dunia & krisis air ini:

Sociologist Michael Goldman has argued that “Industry analysts predict that private water will soon be a capitalized market as precious, and as war-provoking, as oil”.[49] Goldman says “These days, an indebted country cannot borrow capital from the World Bank or IMF without a domestic water privatization policy as a precondition”.[50] The Bank is utilizing “the 'Washington Consensus' model of "development" to promote water privatization. Following this model, the World Bank is forcing many countries to commodify their water resources, rather than using their expertise in the public sector to acknowledge water as a universal human right and an essential public service”.[51] The push for water privatization development plays upon “the shocking tragedy that much of the world lacks affordable clean water”. This image creates “new opportunities in development, though it may have little to do with ultimately quenching” the needs of impoverished countries. “The problem of water scarcity for the world’s poor has been analyzed by the World Bank as one in which the public sector has failed to deliver, and has therefore prevented development from “taking off”, and the economy from modernizing. If the state cannot deliver something as basic as water and sanitation, the argument goes, it is a strong indication of a general failure of public-sector capacity”.[52] However, “with the sale or lease of a public good comes more than simply a privatized service; alongside it comes a wide set of postcolonial institutional forces that intervene in state-citizen relations and North-South dynamics”.[53]

Apakah ada kaitannya antara krisis air di Jakarta (dan Indonesia pada umumnya) dengan bergabungnya SMI ke World Bank tersebut? Apakah ada agenda tersembunyi dalam soal ini? Apakah mungkin blessing SBY thp WB karena SBY sdh capek minum air butek di Jakarta dan kesal dengan managemen PAM PEMDA DKI? :-)


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