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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Gilad Atzmon, Al-Qassam, dan Zionisme
Gilad Atzmon (lahir 1963) menulis: ''Jika Anda bertanya-tanya mengapa orang Israel tidak mengetahui sejarah mereka, jawabannya sangat sederhana, mereka tidak pernah diberitahu. Situasi yang mendorong konflik Israel-Palestina tersimpan rapi dalam kultur mereka. Jejak-jejak peradaban Palestina pra-1948 di tanah itu telah dimusnahkan. Tidak saja tentang Nakba, pembersihan etnis penduduk Palestina asli, yang tidak menjadi bagian dari kurikulum Israel, bahkan tidak disebut atau didiskusikan di forum resmi atau akademik mana pun.''
Kesaksian mantan zionis dan angkatan udara Israel ini menjadi sangat penting untuk mengetahui peta mengapa rakyat Israel merasa bahwa merekalah pemilik sah tanah Palestina itu. Padahal, kata Atzmon, tanah itu adalah tanah curian dari pemilik yang sebenarnya: rakyat Palestina.
Atzmon, pemusik papan atas di London, adalah cucu tokoh sayap kanan organisasi teror Irgun, yang telah mengusir dan membantai rakyat Palestina pada tahun-tahun awal pembentukan negara Israel tahun 1948. Tapi setelah mempelajari secara dalam asal-usul negara zionis itu, Atzmon yang juga seorang novelis, dengan kehendak sendiri hijrah ke London tahun 1994. Dari kota inilah ia membeberkan kepalsuan zionisme dan membela hak kemerdekaan Palestina melalui berbagai forum, termasuk media cetak.
Artikel barunya pada awal Januari 2009 dalam ungkapan yang sangat puitis tapi tajam berjudul: ''Living on Borrowed Time in a Stolen Land (Hidup di atas Waktu Pinjaman di Sebuah Tanah Curian)". Kita akan dapat dengan mudah mengakses artikel ini via:, karena Atzmon adalah penulis penting pada media cetak The Palestine Chronicle, sebuah media yang menyuarakan hati nurani rakyat Palestina yang tertindas selama lebih dari enam dasa warsa, sejak 1948.
Penulis lain adalah Uri Avnery, mantan anggota Knesset, 85 tahun, tinggal di Tel Aviv. Ia juga tokoh Yahudi yang gigih membela kemerdekaan Palestina dengan konsep dua negara bertetangga: Palestina dan Israel. Avnery tidak pernah percaya bahwa kaum zionis yang selalu didukung Amerika Serikat sungguh-sungguh ingin melihat sebuah negara Palestina merdeka. Itulah sebabnya ia berharap pada Barack Obama untuk mengubah secara fundamental peta buram yang telah menindas rakyat Palestina secara sangat biadab dalam tempo puluhan tahun.
Tentang roket Al-Qassam, Atzmon menulis: ''Bagi saya, tembakan-tembakan Al-Qassam yang secara sporadis mendarat di Sderot dan Ashkelon tidak lebih dari sebuah pesan rakyat Palestina yang terkurung. Pertama, ia adalah sebuah pesan kepada tanah yang dicuri, lapangan-lapangan rumah, dan kebun buah-buahan: 'Bumi kami yang tercinta, kami tak pernah lupa, kami masih berada di sini berjuang untukmu, cepat lebih baik tinimbang terlambat, kami akan kembali, kami akan mulai lagi di mana kami pernah menghentikannya.'
"Tapi juga ia merupakan pesan yang jelas kepada rakyat Israel. 'Kalian ke luar dari sana, di Sderot, Beer Sheva, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Tel Aviv, dan Haifa, apakah kalian menyadari atau tidak, kalian sebenarnya hidup pada sebuah tanah curian. Lebih baik Anda mulai berkemas-kemas karena waktu semakin habis, kalian telah menguras kesabaran kami. Kami, rakyat Palestina, tidak akan kehilangan apa-apa lagi.'
''Setiap pakar Timur Tengah tahu bahwa Hamas dapat merebut Tepi Barat dalam beberapa jam. Memang, kontrol Otoritas Palestina dan Fatah di Tepi Barat sengaja dijaga PPI (Pasukan Pertahanan Israel). Sekali Hamas menguasai Tepi Barat, pusat penduduk Yahudi yang terbesar akan terserah kepada belas kasihan Hamas. Bagi mereka yang gagal melihat, ini akan menjadi akhir bagi Israel Yahudi.
"Mungkin saja berlaku kemudian hari ini, dalam tiga bulan, atau dalam lima tahun. Ini bukanlah masalah 'jika', tetapi lebih merupakan masalah 'waktu'. Pada saat itu, seluruh Israel akan berada dalam jarak tembak Hamas dan Hizbullah. Masyarakat Israel akan hancur, ekonominya runtuh. Harga sebuah vila yang terpisah di Tel Aviv Utara akan sama dengan sebuah gudang di Kiryat Shmone atau Sderot. Di saat sebuah roket memukul Tel Aviv, mimpi zionis menjadi tamat.''
Sepintas lalu, apa yang disampaikan Atzmon seperti mustahil, mengingat kekuatan Hamas sama sekali tidak sebanding dengan kecanggihan persenjataan Israel. Tapi mengapa mereka tidak pernah putus asa untuk melawan dengan segala kelemahan persenjataannya?
Atzmon menjawab: ''Karena bagi rakyat Palestina, Palestina adalah rumah.'' Dengan demikian, di mata mereka, kaum zionis adalah pendatang haram di rumah itu yang harus diusir. Bagaimana hari depan zionisme? Jika sikap kepala batu dan keganasan tetap dipertahankan, menurut Atzmon, zionisme tidak punya masa depan, karena ia gagal menjadi bagian dari kemanusiaan.
Sebagai penutup artikelnya, Atzmon menulis: ''Sekali lagi, orang Yahudi akan harus mengembara menuju sebuah nasib yang tak berpeta. Sampai batas tertentu, saya sendiri telah memulai perjalanan saya belum terlalu lama.''
Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Guru Besar Sejarah, pendiri Maarif Institute
[Perspektif, Gatra Nomor 10 Beredar Kamis, 15 Januari 2009]
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
B’Tselem, 1/28/09
This morning seven Israeli Human Rights organizations appealed to the Military Judge Advocate General, Brigadier General Avichai Mandelblit, and to Attorney General Meni Mazuz concerning the appalling conditions in which Palestinians arrested during the fighting in Gaza were held, and the humiliating and inhuman treatment to which they were subjected from the time of their arrest until their transfer to the custody of the Israel Prison Service.
Dion Nissenbaum, McClatchy Newspapers, 1/27/09
More than 70 members of his family crowded into one apartment for days. On Jan. 7, Abed Rabbo said, the shelling intensified, and they heard an Israeli solider calling for people to come out of their homes.
Abed Rabbo said he gathered his wife, their three daughters and his mother, Souad. Souad Abed Rabbo said that she tied a white robe around a mop handle and two of her granddaughters waved white headscarves as they walked outside.
When they opened the door, they saw an Israeli tank parked in their garden about 10 yards away.
"We were waiting for them to give us an order," Khaled said last week as he stood in the ruins of his home. "Then one came out of the tank and started to shoot."
Souad Abed Rabbo said she was shot as she pushed her son back inside and her granddaughters fell on the stairs. When the shooting was over, she said, 2-year-old Amal and 7-year-old Souad were dead.
The allegation is one of at least five such white flag incidents that human rights investigators are looking into across the Gaza Strip. It's part of a growing pattern of alleged abuses that have raised concerns that some Israeli soldiers may have committed war crimes during their 22-day military campaign in Gaza.
"The evidence we've gathered in two of the cases so far is exceedingly strong," said Fred Abrahams, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch working in the Gaza Strip. "All the research so far suggests they shot civilians that were leaving their homes with white flags." (MORE)
From the London Review of Books
Henry Siegman thought you would be interested in this article.
London Review of Books, cover date 29 January 2009
Israel's Lies
Henry Siegman
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Monday, January 26, 2009
Support Fair and Balance News On Gaza
First colony in Australia
![]() | 1788: First European settlement in Australia On this day in 1788, Arthur Phillip, who had sailed into what is now Sydney Cove with a shipload of convicts, hoisted the British flag and established the first permanent European settlement on the continent of Australia. |
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Zionists are worse than NAZI?
Quil Lawrence, The World, PRI, 1/21/09
Two weeks ago Khaled Abed Drabo was trapped inside his house several days into the Israeli ground offensive. Artillery shells hammered his neighborhood east of the Jabaliya refugee camp. Three tanks parked outside his front door, and loudspeakers announced that civilians should leave the area.
Khaled says that’s when his wife, mother and three daughters stepped outside the front door waving white flags. They stood on the front steps for five minutes waiting for instructions from the Israeli soldiers only 10 yards away. But instead, Khaled says, a soldier appeared on one of the tank turrets, raised his rifle and began shooting. All three of the girls fell.
Khaled’s mother was shot in the upper left arm and abdomen. Recovering at her brother’s house, she tells the same story. “The soldier shot us slowly aiming at each one.” The women fled back into the house dragging the bleeding little girls. Suad, 7 years old, died immediately from bullets to her chest. 2-year-old Amal survied a few moments longer. “She was asking her mother for candy and chips. Then her mother asked her: ‘Do you love me?’ She said: ‘Yes.’ Then she died.” (MORE)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Kopi Starbucks
Saya telah lama mendengar (kalau tidak salah th 2006 saat berkecamuk perang Israel dg. hizbullah di Libanon) bahwa Starbucks, paling tidak beberapa petingginya, mendukung penuh dan menyumbangkan sebagian keuntungan mereka untuk kepentingan negeri zionis Israel.
Baru-baru ini saya coba mengontak PR mereka, tetapi mereka menolak mentah-mentah berita itu dan mengatakan bahwa Starbucks adalah perusahaan publik dan tidak ikut dalam urusan politik. Anehnya, setelah saya google, saya menemukan berita yang kelihatannya cukup dapat dipercaya yang menyatakan bahwa si CEO Mr. Schultz pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari Israel dan menyisihkan uangnya untuk kemajuan negara Israel.
Saya sejauh ini mencoba untuk menghentikan kesenangan meminum kopi dari Starbucks. Tapi susahnya minta ampun, terutama karena hanya mereka yang menjual biji kopi dari Indonesia, misalnya dari Sumatera(Medan, Lampung) atau Sulawesi (Toraja dll). Kualitas kopi mereka memang prima, bahkan mengalahkan rata-rata kopi tubruk di Indonesia. Mereka nampaknya sangat selektif dalam memilih biji kopi, juga saat menggoreng bijinya. Tidak heran jika harga satu lbs kopi ini bisa mencapai hampir $10.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Why do we blame others?
The figures are speaking themselves very loudly but we refuse to listen. Some thoughts - Extracts of speech by Hafez A.B. Mohamed. Director-General, Al Baraka Bank.
World Jewish population: 14 million
7m in America
5m in Asia
2m in Europe
100 thousands in Africa
World Muslim population: 1.5 billion
1 billion in Asia/Mid-East
400m in Africa
44m in Europe
6m in the Americas
- Every fifth human being is a Muslim.
- For every single Hindu there are two Muslims
- For every Buddhist there are two Muslims
- For every Jew there are 107 Muslims
Yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims....Why..?
Here are some of the reasons.
Movers of Recent History
- Albert Einstein - Jew
- Sigmund Freud - Jew
- Karl Marx - Jew
- Paul Samuelson - Jew
- Milton Friedman - Jew
Medical Milestones
- Vaccination needle: Benjamin Ruben - Jew
- Polio vaccine: Jonas Salk - Jew
- Leukaemia drug: Gertrude Elion - Jew
- Hepatitis B: Baruch Blumberg - Jew
- Syphilis drug: Paul Ehrlich - Jew
- Neuro muscular: Elie Metchnikoff - Jew
- Endocrinology: Andrew Schally - Jew
- Cognitive therapy: Aaron Beck - Jew
- Contraceptive pill: Gregory Pincus - Jew
- Understanding of human eye: G. Wald - Jew
- Embryology: Stanley Cohen - Jew
- Kidney dialysis: Willem Kloffcame - Jew
Nobel Prize Winners
In the past 105 years, the 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst the 1.5 billion Muslims have achieved only 3 Nobel winners.
Inventions that changed History
- Micro-processing chip: Stanley Mezor - Jew
- Nuclear chain reactor: Leo Sziland - Jew
- Optical fibre cable: Peter Schultz - Jew
- Traffic lights: Charles Adler - Jew
- Stainless steel: Benno Strauss - Jew
- Sound movies: Isador Kisee - Jew
- Telephone microphone: Emile Berliner - Jew
- Video tape recorder: Charles Ginsburg - Jew
Influential Global Businesses
- Polo: Ralph Lauren - Jew
- Coca-Cola: - Jew
- Levi's: Levi Strauss - Jew
- Starbuck's: Howard Schultz - Jew
- Google: Sergey Brin - Jew
- Dell Computers: Michael Dell - Jew
- Oracle Computers: Larry Ellison: - Jew
- DKNY: Donna Karan - Jew
- Baskin Robbins: Irv Robbins - Jew
- Dunkin' Donuts: Bill Rosenberg - Jew
Influential Policy-makers/ Politicians
- Henry Kissinger, US Sec. of State - Jew
- Richard Levin, President Yale University - Jew
- Alan Greenspan, US Federal Reserve - Jew
- Joseph Lieberman, US Senator - Jewish
- Madeleine Albright, US Sec. of State - Jew
- Casper Weinberger, US Sec. of Defence - Jew
- Maxim Litvinov, USSR Foreign Minister - Jew
- David Marshal, Singapore Chief Minister - Jew
- Isaac Isaacs, Gov-Gen. Australia - Jew
- Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman - Jew
- Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM - Jew
- Barry Goldwater, US Politician - Jew
- Jorge Sampaio, President of Portugal - Jew
- Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy PM - Jew
- Pierre Mendes, French PM - Jew
- Michael Howard, British Home Sec. - Jew
- Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor - Jew
- Robert Rubin, US Sec. of Treasury - Jew
Global Media Figures
- Wolf Blitzer, CNN - Jew
- Barbara Walters, ABC News - Jew
- Eugene Meyer, Washington Post - Jew
- Henry Grunwald, Time Magazine - Jew
- Katherine Graham, Washington Post - Jew
- Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times - Jew
- Max Frankel, New York Times - Jew
Global Philanthropists
- George Soros - Jew
- Walter Annenberg - Jew
- In the entire Muslim world (57 Muslim countries) there are only 500 universities.
- In USA alone, 5,758 universities.
- In India alone, 8,407 universities.
- Literacy in the Christian world - 90%
- Literacy in the Muslim world - 40%
- 15 Christian-majority countries' literacy rate - 100%
- Muslim-majority countries with 100% - None
- 98% in Christian countries completed primary education
- Only 50% in Muslim countries completed primary education.
- 40% in Christian countries attended university.
- In Muslim countries, a dismal 2% attended university.
- Muslim-majority countries have 230 scientists per million.
- The USA has 5000 per million.
- The Christian world - 1000 technicians per million.
- Entire Arab world - only 50 technicians per million.
- Muslim world spending on R&D - 0.2% of GDP.
- Christian world's R&D - 5.0% of GDP
- Pakistan: 23 daily newspapers per 1000 citizens
- Singapore: 460 per 1000 citizens
- UK book titles per million is 2000
- Egypt book titles per million is only 17
The Muslim world lacks the capacity to produce knowledge. Another way of testing the degree of knowledge is the degree of diffusing knowledge.
Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge.
Applying knowledge is another such test.
- Exports of high-tech products from Pakistan: 0.9%
- In Saudi Arabia : only 0.2%
- Kuwait, Morocco and Algeria : only 0.3%
- Tiny Singapore (4mil pop.): 68% ...!
Please educate yourself and your children. Excuses like lack of money, ability or opening are nothing more than that - excuses. Always promote education, don't compromise on it. We hate to be weak, illiterate and poor but are we too weak to give our children the opportunity to break the curse?
Don't ignore your children's slightest misguidance from education...
and please,If they fail, let them because it will make them learn the sweetness of success. Remember... if they can't do it now, they can't ever.
With knowledge comes power, and with it even the small can rule over
the big. We are world's biggest but sadly NOT strongest nation.
All we need is to identify and explore our inner selves.
The Deen whose first commandment was IQRA-READ !!! has been betrayed by its followers , by NOT following this first commandment.
Insha-Allah, our weapon to victory, our duty to spread God's words and our opportunity to save all humankind is best through knowledge, creativity, literacy... And nothing else.
.... Wake up O khalifahs of the land ...
.... Wake up ...
Siapa itu bani Israel?


Soal bangsa Israel, mereka keturunan Izrel (atau Izrael) anak dari
Yehudah (atau Yudah atau Yudas) anak ke-4 dari Ya'qub A.S.
Di Encylopaedia of Britannica:
"The term Jew is thus derived through the Latin Judaeus and the Greek Ioudaios from the Hebrew "Yahudhi". The latter term is an adjective occurring only in the later parts of the Old Testament and signifying a descendant of Yehudhah (Judah), the fourth son of Jacob, whose tribe, together with that of his half brother Benjamin, constituted the Kingdom of Judah."
Dari aturan "Halakha" (UUresmi Yahudi tempo dulu/orthodoks/konservatif), seorang hanya boleh diakui berdarah yahudi jika ibunya atau kedua orang-tuanya berdarah yahudi. Aturan ini telah ribuan tahun dianut bangsa Israel (ref: "Jewish Mind" [Patai, Raphael]). Karena ketatnya aturan siapa-itu-yahudi, maka sulit orang bukan yahudi mengaku berbangsa yahudi (kecuali terakhir-akhir ini). (Raphael Patai adalah salah satu antropolog top dalam soal arab/yahudi. Bukunya "Jewish Mind" & "Arab Mind" menjadi standar buku di Pentagon buat tentara yg. dikirim ke Timteng. profile pengarang:
Di dalam buku "Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History" karya David B. Goldstein (pakar genetika) pernah melakukan riset gen yahudi dan menemukan keserupaan yg. sangat mirip, dan juga keterkaitan dg. Yacob (nabi Ya'kub). (profile si pengarang:
Di buku "DNA and Tradition: The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews" [Yacob Kleiman: Devora Publishing, 2004], disebutkan bahwa kohanim (satu kelompok di bangsa Yahudi, keturunan Kohen/Cohen) terbukti secara genetik keturunan dari Aaron (nabi Harun). Dari riset DNA yg. dilakukan si pengarang (seorang pendeta Yahudi dan genetis), ditemukan bahwa 98.5% orang2 kohanim yg.ditest (sampelnya dari Israel, Inggris dan Amerika Utara), ditemukan memiliki tanda YAP (Y-chromosom Alu Polymorphism) yg. hampir identik (saya kurang paham ilmu genetika apa maksudnya YAP ini). Di bab 5 buku ini dibahas juga definitif apa itu suku "Yehuda" dan Levi"
Yang masih kontroversial adalah suku Ashkenazi (group dalam bangsa yahudi). Sebagian kercerdasan (kejeniusan) keturunan suku ini berada di dalam DNA mereka, sementara antropolog dan pakar genetik lainnnya menyangsikannya. Mereka masih melakukan riset berkenaan dengan ini. FYI, mayoritas pemenang nobel ket. yahudi dan ilmuwan top dunia lainnya berdarah Ashkenazi.
Berikut ini peta perjalana "gene mapping" manusia.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Human Evolution from Encyclopaedia
As I saw at California Academy of Science Museum in San Francisco, the oldest equal "mitochodrial DNA" homo-sapiens were traced back to a place in Ethiopia or Somalia. The map in the museum shows the migration from this place in Africa to Asia, Europe, Australia and America. It even says "The DNA eve" for this DNA because it is traceable mostly in female.